What Women Want




Welcome to Hey Viv & Stine! I’m Vivienne and co-hosting with me is Christine from Simply Stine. We asked our audience on Instagram what they’d like to hear on our podcast. And on today’s episode we’re going to answer this age-old question: ‘What Women Want”. What do we want? Are women that mysterious? Is it true when they say, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.” Frankly, what does anyone want when it comes to a relationship? We’re going to tell you what we think. I’d like to put out a little disclaimer that this podcast is purely for entertainment only. Neither I or Christine are professionals. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, relax and enjoy!

If you have any questions that you’d like answered by us non-professionals email us at Feed@hellovivie.com and follow us on Instagram @heyVivAndStineInstagram heyVivAndStine or at our personal Instagram accounts: @Hello.vivie and @simplystinecosimplystineco

Please subscribe to our podcast. We are currently on SpotifySpreaker and YouTube. We’re working on being available on other platforms. 

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